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There are no more items in your cartABDOMINAL MUSCLE WHEEL BODYSOLID
model: BSTAB1
klubfitness .pl / img / cms / loga / BODYSOLID% 20LOGO.jpg "alt =" "width =" 255 "height =" 60 "/>
Body-Solid Tools AB-Wheel is a perfect device for exercising the muscles of the abdomen, back and arms. It allows you to quickly lose unnecessary kilograms and shape your body. The exercise wheel is made of a reinforced plastic mass. The wheels have plastic grooves to prevent them from sliding on the surface.
Training with this device is very effective because it forces you to isolate the abdominal and oblique muscles when working in different positions (see example exercise pictures). In this way, you can effectively develop and strengthen the abdominal area.
The BSTAB1 casters from BodySolid are simple and easy to use.
Product parameters:
- circle diameter 20 cm
- wheels mounted on a rod 25 cm long
- grooves on the wheels for better grip
- weight: 450 g